Thursday, June 25, 2009

Reviewed by You!

Woot! Penguin Band, baby! Here is a new Reviewed by You for your CP life!

A penguin named Puffyjc said:
My favorite music in Club Penguin has to be the music played at Music Jam 08.From pop to hip-hop, there was music for everyone. I had a great time playing with my all-time favorite band, The Penguin Band and taking center stage and pretending I was actually in a band! We also made our own music with DJ3K,a game launched for the party, which was also very cool.
Next week, the topic is: What's your favorite part of training to be a ninja?
I will comment mine, and Ill post it here if they allow it! :)
UPDATE: Once I get 15 followers, we will have a coin code contest. So KEEP FOLLOWING AND PLZ COMMENT FOR THE CODE! :D

1 comment:

  1. Cool keep up the great work on the blog and great job on sharing the other dudes feelings lol
