Thursday, July 2, 2009

Not Quitting, Newspaper, Fireworks!

You have a right to play guitar Aunt Arctic, cuz IM NOT QUITTING! BUT IM MAKING IT PENGUIN874 AND MY FREND FATBOB789 (PENGUIN689) ONLY!

I just made this cool site, and I thought about how I ALWAYS quit and how I always let you guys down and I thought, lets see HOW FAR THIS SITE CAN GO!

Music Jam is officially coming on July 17 (my dog, Baby, turns 4 on July 16!). Lets look at more!

WOOT! This is the second Music Jam, and Im posting cheats for it. Pretty much, DJ Cadence and the Penguin Band will be making members only appearences!

You have like 1 DAY to become a ninja, so get ready BY TOMORROW. Sensei will be teaching a special move possibly so you do NOT want to miss it (I like captial letters, lol)

Blah blah blah, Pizza Parlor, blah blah, tacos, blah blah lets move on!

Once again, in this post, Aunt Arctic rocks the red guitar! She explains that the Penguin Band and Cadence are coming or something. I didnt read the article, I just took a pic of her, lol.

Awesome picture by an anonymous penguin (left)
Best Friends Forever Postcard Pic/Dot to Dot Pic (right)

The events are:
July 3-5
  • Sensei comes to the Dojo!
  • New Penguin Style Catalog
  • New Pin on July 3

July 10-August 13

  • Ruby and the Ruby Returns (The Play Around When I Made Penguin874 in September 08)

Finally, here are the Puffle Fireworks at the Iceberg for Canada Day and Fourth of July.

Speeking of Fourth of July, I know Chrisdog93's party clues as of 7/1/09

Day: July 4, 2009

Server: Snow Angel

Time: (not posted)

Place: Soccer Pitch



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